- Vacuum pumps and compressors
- Membrane-type aerators
- Adjacent channel type aerators
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Ask our salesperson

Raitis Dambergs EN
Mob: (+371) 28393444
E-mail: [email protected]
- We offer vacuum pumps and compressors made by leading EU manufacturers. Every pump is tested before it leaves factory while in-house facilities are fully accredited to ISO 9001.
- Membrane-type aerators with a capacity of 30 to 300 l / min. Provides pond enrichment with oxygen and protects against freezing. Oil- aerators having a specific quiet operation and low power consumption. Used for small farms, small bio filters as well as private and individual office buildings and sewage treatment plants.
- Adjacent channel type aerators with a capacity of 14`000 l / min up to 54`000 l / min. Used for fish farms, village water treatment plants and recirculation- type fish farms.
Ask our salesperson

Raitis Dambergs EN
Mob: (+371) 28393444
E-mail: [email protected]