Round fishtanks
Round fish tanks
- without outlets
- side outlet
- a central outlet
- level control device
Ask our salesperson

Raitis Dambergs EN
Mob: (+371) 28393444
E-mail: [email protected]
Round pools with diameters from1 to 10 meters.
Pool wall’s height options (m) – 0.6; 0.8; 1; 1.2; 1.5; 1.75; 2; 2.25; 2.5; 3.0 meters.
We make design and certified calculations for pool strength and load-bearing capacity.
Black polyethylene HDPE UV – used for production of indoor and outdoor tanks, that can be placed on surface or underground. Available thicknesses from 0.3 to 6 cm. Certified for use in direct contact with drinking water and in food industry. Applicable at temperature regimes within -50 and +80 degrees Celsius.
Gray PP polypropylene – available in a variety of structures – with protective film or without, antistatic, UV resistant and without UV resistancy, temperature conditions -20 to +150 degrees with antistatic properties, etc.
PP Blue UV polypropylene – available only at 5; 6 or 8 mm thicknesses. Applicable for both indoors and outdoors.
Light gray PVC – 1.5 – 2 mm liners used for protection of concrete or metal tanks.
We make pools with the only in the Baltic States mobile Butt-welding workbench. Weld quality is perfect, that can be approved both at our plant and by our customers.
Large size pools, not possible for transportation or not to be brought inside through the door we’ll make on site at Your facility wherever it is.
PVC pools we weld with robot welding machine Leister Varimat V2, making perfect quality and look.
We can work anywhere, in any country on site
Long-term product with a lifetime of over 25 years
Flexible pricing policy.
Ask our salesperson

Raitis Dambergs EN
Mob: (+371) 28393444
E-mail: [email protected]